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18.03.2015 | 00:21

Poziv na radionice u Sarajevu i Tirani - Factory of Memories

Poziv na radionice u Sarajevu i Tirani - Factory of Memories

Asocijacija Crvena i Tirana Espres raspisali su konkurs za učešće na radionicama i pratećim događajima u Sarajevu i Tirani u 2015. godini, u okviru projekta “Factory of Memories”.

Reč je o jednogodišnjem projektu čiji je cilj da istraži i sačuva individualna i kolektivna sećanja u Albaniji i Bosni i Hercegovini, povezujući kreativne ljude u obe zemlje i unapređujući prekograničnu saradnju i dijalog. Glavni cilj je afirmisanje upotrebe video umetnosti u istraživanju i aktuelizovanju važnih društvenih pitanja.

Tekst konkursa na engleskom:

Tirana Ekspres and Association for Culture and Art CRVENA are currently accepting applications for 2 workshops and additional events to be organized in Tirana and Sarajevo in 2015.

Factory of Memories is a collaborative year long project of Tirana Ekspres and Association for Culture and Art CRVENA aiming to research and preserve individual and collective memories in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its main goal is to showcase/champion the use of art (video specifically) in exploring and actualizing important societal issues. The Project aims to connect creative young people of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania by facilitating and improving cross-border relations and dialogue through creating a platform for personal encounter, with their different viewpoints and perspectives on collective memories. It aims to expand cooperation and exchange of ideas among the participants, the involved cultural organisations, and the public by building bridges through artistic collaboration in the common creative process.

After the first workshop week in Sarajevo end of May 2015, the participators – inspired and guided by workshop leaders from the field of video/media art as well as lecturers from other fields, will be expected to create video on the subject. At the end of the production phase of 2 months, they will finalize their videos together with our team during the second round of workshop in Tirana. Each workshop will last up to 6 days. The produced videos will premiere in a public screening event at Tirana Ekspres end of 2015. During this event participating artists will get in dialogue with a wider audience and invited experts. A DVD and online presentation comprising successful works will be created and the works will be promoted further across the region.

Call is open to young people up to 35 years old from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania. Experience in movie, video and other visual art disciplines is preferable. However, applicants from other fields will also be considered. Working language of workshops will be English, so applicants are expected to be able to communicate well in this language. All accepted applicants are expected to be present in both workshops.

Costs of travel, accommodation and meals for 2 workshops in Sarajevo and Tirana and promotional event in Tirana will be covered.

How to apply
Please download our application form in English here
Form should be submitted in PDF format to:
factoryofmemories2015@gmail.com by April 15th 2015.

All successful applicant will be notified beginning of May 2015.

E-mail for any additional questions: factoryofmemories2015@gmail.com or refer to website www.factoryofmemories.com

Tirana Ekspres is Tirana based non-profit organization initiated by artists, activists, environmentalists, policy makers and social-business undertakers whose purpose is to enhance the cultural & artistic perception and expression in Tirana and beyond. Their goal is to work in strong partnership with the community as they pursue the good work of leveraging the potential of art by creating and organizing inspiring events, network of activists and long-term projects. The alternative culture scene that Tirana Ekspres creates, offers the freedom of expression to the community who surpasses the discriminatory barriers as gender, religious, political orientation or socioeconomic levels leading to a more empowered synergistic society.

Association for Culture and Art CRVENA is Sarajevo based non-profit organization that affirms the existing, and creates new free spaces for cultural and artistic creation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and wider. CRVENA is a community of artists, curators, architects, engineers, cooks, economists, journalists, human rights and cultural workers, workers and activists, gathered around the idea that art and culture provide an open platform for social change. CRVENA’s projects also target and explore the causes and mechanisms behind the multifaceted social disempowerment of women and seek to promote women’s equality and personal development.

Project is supported by Balkans Arts and Culture Fund, Collaboration Projects in Arts and Culture.


Objekti i projekti / Objects and Projects, September 1971. Normal 8 mm film by Zoran Popovic
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