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21.04.2021 | 23:58

Konkurs za 3. Videopark / Videopark Open Call

Udruženje vizuelnih umetnika Užice (UVUU) raspisalo je konkurs za treći festival savremene umetnosti “Videopark”, koji će biti održan od 22. do 24. jula 2021. u Užicu na temu “Hospitable Utopia“.

Tema 3. Videoparka usmerena je ka onim autorima koji se u procesu svog istraživanja bave stvarnim, ali i zamišljenim, imaginarnim utopijama, slikama prošlosti i budućnosti, preispitivajući društvo u celini, postavljajući pitanja kolektivnih, ali i pojedinačnih utopija, kao i načina na koji se zamišljene slike gube u mnoštvu paralelnih svetova svakodnevne egzistencije.

Cilj festivala "Videopark" je da širu javnost upozna sa savremenim umetničkim praksama na polju videa, filma i pokretnih slika, kao i da ukaže na nedovoljnu afirmaciju ove vrste umetničkog izraza. Predstavljanje eksperimentalnih dela koja kroz širok spektar vizuelnih formi, procesa i praksi uključuju pitanja i doprinose kreativnom i kritičkom razumevanju stvarnosti, kao i primena oblika savremenih digitalnih medija, samo su neke od stvari koje promoviše "Videopark". Radeći sa lokalnom zajednicom, podržavajući decentralizaciju u umetnosti i stvarajući platformu za sve mlade umetnike, cilj UVUU je da preusmeri središte sa velikih kulturnih centara, festivala i sajmova umetnosti na manja mesta, te da kroz uzajamno i zajedničko podržavanje stvori mesto za sve vizuelne umetnike koji uglavnom koriste video kao osnovni jezik umetničkog izražavanja.

Rok za prijavljivanje je 15. jun 2021, a prijavljivanje je preko ovog linka.

Uslovi prijavljivanja:
– video ne bi trebalo biti duži od 20 minuta
– u obzir se uzimaju samo jednokanalni video radovi
– prihvataju se samo radovi nastali u protekle 3 godine
– žiri je u sastavu internacionalni stoga bi bilo poželjno popuniti formular na engleskom

Nakon odluke selekcionog žirija, autori će biti obavešteni imejlom o rezultatima konkursa.

Kontakt za dodatna pitanja: fsuvideopark@gmail.com

*please find below the open call for the 3rd Videopark in English


Visual Artist Association of Užice (UVUU) is launching an open call for the third edition of Contemporary art festival "Videopark", which will be held in July 22-24. 2021 in Užice (Serbia) on the topic "Hospitable Utopia".

The theme of this year’s festival is aimed to those authors who in the process of their research deal with envisioned, fabricated or imagined pictures of reality and utopias, images of the past and future, re-examining society as a whole, questioning collective and individual utopias, or even how and in what way images being lost in a multitude of parallel worlds of everyday existence. The aim of the festival is to acquaint the general public with contemporary artistic practices in the field of video, film and moving images, as well as to point out the insufficient affirmation of this type of artistic expression.

Presenting experimental works that through a wide range of visual forms, processes and practices include questions and contribute to the creative and critical understanding of reality that surrounds us, as well as implementing forms of a modern digital medium is just one of the things we are standing for. Working within the local community, supporting decentralization and creating a platform to all young artists, it aims to shift the power from large cultural centers, festivals and fairs to the smaller ones, and become the mutual and common ground to all visual artists that commonly use video as a part of their everyday language.

The deadline for submission is June 15, 2021, through this link

Work requirements:
– The video shall not be longer than 20 minutes
– Only one-channel video works are taken into consideration
– Only works created in the last 3 years are acceptable.

Contact for any additional question - fsuvideopark@gmail.com

After the jury selection makes a decision, authors will be informed of the results by e-mail.


08.04.2024 | 10:10

VOĐENJE: IRWIN – NSK State – It's a Beautiful Country

IRWIN: NSK State – It's a Beautiful Country, Umetnički pav