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Na sopstveni pogon - SEECULT.ORG


Na sopstveni pogon - SEECULT.ORG

SEEcult.org je nevladina, neprofitna organizacija, osnovana 2002. u Beogradu radi unapređenja razvoja otvorene kulturne i umetničke scene u Srbiji i regionu Jugoistočne Evrope, doprinosa saradnji u regionu i njegovoj integraciji u Evropu i ostatak sveta.

Glavna aktivnost udruženja SEEcult.org je portal za kulturu Jugoistočne Evrope SEEcult.org, pokrenut 2003. godine kao razvojna, informativno-edukativna, prezentaciona i dokumentaciona onlajn platforma za kulturu i umetnost, posebno posvećena afirmisanju savremenih kulturnih i umetničkih praksi, civilnog društva i neprofitnih medija.

Udruženje SEEcult.org organizuje i različite kulturne programe (izložbe, promocije knjiga, prezentacije…) i javne debate, konferencije i okrugle stolove.

Takođe, aktivno je u umrežavanju i podsticanju saradnje na nacionalnom i regionalnom nivou - jedan je od osnivača inSEEcp - Neformalne mreže portala za kulturu jugoistočne Evrope i Asocijacije Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije (NKSS).

Među novijim projektima koje SEEcult.org realizuje sa partnerima u regionu su: Let’s Talk Critic Art, posvećen kritičkoj umetnosti u Hrvatskoj, Makedoniji, Sloveniji i Srbiji, Balkan Initiative for Cultural Cooperation, Exchange and Development (BICCED), posvećen analitičkom izveštavanju o kulturnim politikama u regionu i Criticize This!, posvećen kritičkom promišljanju savremene umetnosti.

Udruženje građana SEEcult.org
27. marta 26/13, 11000 Beograd
t: +381.63.214 893
e: info@seecult.org, redakcija@seecult.org, seecult@gmail.com
w: www.seecult.org



Portal SEEcult.org, 1.10.2011.

Okrugli sto o kulturi i internetu u okviru prve radionice portala za kulturu iz regiona, članova mreže inSEEcp, u organizaciji SEEcult.org, Goethe-Institut Beograd, 28.11.2006.

Okrugli sto o kulturnoj politici i internetu, Magacin u Kraljevića Marka, 4.12.2007.

Regionalna konferencija Kultu(RE)giona-online! Buducnost prolazi! Beograd, Goethe-institut, 2008.

Okrugli sto "Bez anestezije", u okviru projekta "Let's Talk Critic Art", Goethe-Institut Beograd, 7.12.2009.

Publikacija projekta LTCA "From Consideration to Commitment: Art in Critical Confrontation to Society (Belgrade, Ljubljana, Skopje, Zagreb: 1990-2010)", dostupna za besplatno preuzimanje OVDE

Predavanja i tribina o umetničkoj kritici u okviru projekta "Criticize this!", Dom omladine Beograda, 29.9-2.10.2011.


Association of citizens SEEcult.org

SEEcult.org is a nongovernmental, non-profit organization based in Belgrade, founded in 2002 with the aim to help development of an open cultural and artistic scene in Serbia and the region of South Eastern Europe, as well as to contribute to promotion of multicultural and international cooperation in the region and its integration into Europe and beyond.

The main activities are grouped around the SEEcult.org portal, which is established in 2003 as developmental, informative-educational, and presentation-documentary online platform for culture and art, dedicated to afirmation contemporary cultural and artistic practices, civil society and nonprofit media.

SEEcult.org is also organizing cultural programs, as well as debates, conferences and round tables, and also is active in regional cooperation and networking as one of the initiators of the InSEEcp – Informal Network of Culture Portals in South Eastern Europe, and the founding member of the Association of Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia.

Among the latest projects of SEEcult.org and its partners in the region are: Let’s Talk Critic Art, dedicated to critical art praxises in the region, Balkan Initiative for Cultural Cooperation, Exchange and Development (BICCED), dedicated to analytical reporting on issues in the sphere of cultural policy in the region, and Criticize This!, dedicated to affirmation of critical reflection on art.

27. marta 26/13, 11000 Beograd
t: +381.63.214 893
e: info@seecult.org, redakcija@seecult.org, seecult@gmail.com
w: www.seecult.org

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